About Page
This website or blog, if you wanna call it that, is made by a 17 year old kid in hopes of making money one day, I love working on this website and my other website which you can go to by clicking this sentence lol. Anyways unfortunately I still have a lot to learn especially when it comes to traffic and making money some how from ads. I do my best to keep up with the movies I have linked on this site, which is not always easy because there is no source that won't remove the movies when they find them, for copy right infringement. So I apologize for any inconveniences, there is just simply no way of knowing how long a movie will stay on my site before it gets deleted and once it does I simply have to find a new source for that movie. hmm... well I guess thats about all I had to say so please be encouraged to request a new movie, report a movie not working so I can get a new one, or just to speak your thoughts, any advice you might have would be much apprciated too.
So I hope you enjoy and maybe waist some invaluable time while your at it, Cheers -Taylor